
Network Practices

Even though we provide unlimited plan, we do not allow high power users to overburden the network with use that is above normal average use. We have defined what we consider as average use in our terms of use. The unlimited data service is configured to automatically disconnect users who abuse normal use policy of data consumption, usually exceeding data number of 17  or 200 GB in 10 days. If plan usage exceeds data number of 17 in a 24 hr period or 200 GB in 10 days, connection may be frozen without refund to the amount paid for the particular rolling 30 days period - (this amount is many times in excess of normal usage). Please know historically how much 'unlimited' data you need on average per month, this can differ from person to person.

It does not matter where you get an unlimited plan, abnormal use that is above average use is recorded as use of too much data and sim will be frozen automatically based on logical policy.

According to a survey, on the average, most users consume about 99 GB to 240 GB per month, about 20% users may get to 350 GB  in 30 days, 8% power users use above 500 GB in 30 days. This is a rare plan that you can not find easily, so use wisely.

This is the Unlimita plan, yes it is unlimited; however, in some cases, the network may restrict sims that consume too much data greater than other average users. On the average, users may use between 90 GB to 320 GB in a 30 days period or below. So average use is in relation to what others are using, to be on the safe side, know your usage data for 30 days period so as not to be in the above-average-user zone. For more information on network practices, performance characteristics and data control on AT&T network visit

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